Welcome to the V 4 Vendetta website, designed as an homage to the film of the same name. We find ourselves now in 2022 living the reality of the film. It’s almost as if it were a portent or even possibly a road map for bad actors. It seems surreal the likeness to the Big Brother type dystopian nightmare, in which we find ourselves.

Here you can download sample posters, flyers and advertisements designed to educate those that have not yet realised the danger. Hopefully when enough of the message is regularly appearing online, on street corners and in the media, the government will get the message.

Ultimately, the aim is to get advertisements published in the media. Of course if they will accept them, and judging by the way they are regurgitating the government narrative on everything, it does not seem likely as of today. However things change.

We will be setting up a Give Send Go appeal for donations to help in this endeavour, as our personal finances will only stretch so far. We wish to make a noise loud enough that the government cannot afford to ignore and unfortunately it costs plenty.